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The DBZ web is coming along slowly, I have the Trunks Saga and Androids are
done, downloads
will be up later today.
New Dragonball Z Videos
- Z Warriors Prepare, Episodes 109-110; Ships September 19th, 2000, Sold
during the Burger King Promotion
This is the last video in the Trunks Saga
- Imperfect Cell: Encounter, Episodes 125-127; Ships October 24th, 2000
Cell is another energy draining Android created by Dr. Gero, but this one is
from a possible future.
- The History of Trunks; Ships October 24th, 2000
We finally see the circumstances of how Yamcha cheats on Bulma with another
woman, and how Bulma hooks up with Vegeta.
- Bardock: The Father of Goku; Ship November 21st, 2000
History of Goku's real father, the Saiyan Warrior Bardock, and hopefully we
see all of the reasons for the Saiyan revolt against Frieza that led to the
destruction of Planet Vegeta, home of the Saiyans.
- Dragonball Movie: Mystical Adventures; Ships November 21st, 2000
See the continuing adventures of a young Goku, with tail and all. Remember that the Dragonball series introduces all of the main characters of DBZ.
- Trunks: Mysterious Youth (Now Available) and Prelude to
Terror DVD,
Ships September 29th, 2000
The first two Trunks Saga videos on DVD format.

Dragon Ball Z images and characters ©2000, Bird Studio/Shueisha, Toei Animation. Licensed by FUNimation Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.